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June 18, 2024 - The First Day of Summer!

 June 20th is the first day of summer! Summer Solstice will take place at 1:24 p.m. Thursday!

Please research IN ENGLISH some scientific fact about summer. For example: the time of the sunset, or the position of Earth in space, the amount of sunlight etc.

Then search for a fun summer activity IN ENGLISH. For example: going to the beach, making ice cream, safety in the sun etc.

Please search WEBSITES not YOUTUBE!

Post your information and write in 50 words or more, what you have found


My Example:


Today I learned about Summer Solstice. It is the day that the Northern Hemisphere of Earth is facing the closest to the sun. That means its very hot, and we have a lot of sunlight! Actually the South Pole has ZERO sunlight for several months and in other places in the Southern Hemisphere, the day light is very short. I learned about it here on this site!

This vacation I will go see fireworks shows, festivals and maybe go to the beach. If you want to know more about where you can go, visit this site here!


  1. hiiii





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