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April 30, 2024 - My Favorite Site!

 Please search out an English website that you like to use! It can be news, sports, music or anything else you would like! Please write a post on your page, in 100 words or more about that site and why you like it. Link to the English site on your page too. Then post on this page the link to your writing for this week.

The website MUST be written in English by a human being. No Japanese sites and nothing translated with a computer/google. The site  MUST be a constatnly updating "blog style" site, like the one we are making and you see in my example. It can not be service sites like Amazon, Yahoo, Youtube,  Facebook, Twitter (X), Kakaku, etc.

One of my favorite sites is called "Mac Rumors" Here is the link. Please click it!! This site keeps Apple fans up to date with the latest news that is going on in the world of Macs, iPhones, iPads and other stuff.  I am a huge Apple fan and so I want to know what the latest news always is. However, Apple is very secretive, so many of the news stories are rumors from industry people. For example, if somebody notices that a company is making LCD screens very quickly, it could mean a new iPad is coming. Of course right before new releases, the site is more active. Right now the news front is pretty calm but there are still things happening every day. 

My example is good because it has

-over 100 words.

-a link

-an explanation of the site

-my honest opinion.


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