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Showing posts from May, 2024

June 4, 2024 - Mid-term Long-Form Assignment

 The assignment for June 4th is very long, because it is like a test. Please finish the assignment online by June 4th at 5:30 p.m. Earlier is ok!         6月4日の課題はテストのようなものなのでとても長いです。 6 月 4 日の午後 5 時 30 分までにオンラインで課題を完了してください。 早めでも大丈夫ですよ! Please watch this videos and write 150-200 words or more about what the interesting points of the video are and what you learned from it.  This will count for 20 points and counts as a test grade. Good Luck!

May 28, 2024 - Let's Eat!

The assignment for June 4th is very long, because it is like a test. Please finish the assignment online by June 4th at 5:30 p.m. Earlier is ok!         6月4日の課題はテストのようなものなのでとても長いです。 6 月 4 日の午後 5 時 30 分までにオンラインで課題を完了してください。 早めでも大丈夫ですよ! Please search for some kind of unique food, not from Japan, mentioned on an English website. Do not use a Japanese website with google translate and do not translate an English website either! Also do not use wikipedia. That site is boring! Try to find a website made by some one who really likes cooking. It can be a restaurant review, a recipe, a festival or anything else. Please include the link to the page a photo, and write in 50 words or more your opinion about this food! My example: One of my favorite foods in the world is Pirogies! What is that? Well, its potatoes and cheese wrapped in a shell, then fried in butter! Oh it tastes so good. There are many websites that talk about Pirogies but I like  this one . There is a good recipe that shows you how

May 21, 2024 - All About Music!

   Please search the internet for a song in English that you enjoy. On your page, please write 50 words or more about why you like it. Also include some of the song lyrics ( 歌詞   🙄 ) in the post, and a link where we can watch/hear the song. You do not have to write all of the words of the song.  You can search lyrics  at this site. The song lyrics do not count as part of the 50 words, the lyrics must be in English. No Japanese songs are allowed.  Then post that link from your page to the comments here below When you finish, please read a classmate’s post and comment on how you like the song. Thank you ^=^ My example:   One of my favorite songs is "Ghostbusters III" by Nerf Herder. It was released in 2016. Nerf Herder is one of my favorite bands. The songs are very funny and often related to pop culture and strange things you dont usually hear in songs. The name of the band Nerf Herder comes form Star Wars, if you did not know. Princess Leia called Han Solo a "nerf-herde

May 14, 2024 - Funny Videos!

           Today, please search out a video in English on YouTube on your own. It can NOT be a song. But it can be about cooking, shopping, sports, or any other topic and must be in all English. (Japanese voice not ok.) Videos without ANY speaking will NOT be accepted! Post the video on your page and explain why you like the video in 100 words or more. Then post that link in the comments below. When you finish please check out other people's pages and comment on one or more videos. My Example:   This is one of my favorite videos on YouTube. Every time I see it, I laugh. There is a recycle shop that sells a big pink chair. It looks cheap but really it is very expensive! 50,000 yen! Why?! Well, the new price for this chair is 259,000!!! Why is it so expensive! Who can afford to spend so much money on a chair? I don't even have 259,000 yen saved in the bank and I have been working for 25 years! Its crazy!  

May 7, 2024 - Memories of Golden Week

 How was your holiday? Please write about the events of your Golden Week in 50 words or more.   My example: My Golden Week is very fun and interesting. I did not do something on every single day, but I did some enjoyable things when I had time. On Tuesday, April 30th, I stayed home, and cleaned up the house. It was nice to not be busy for a change! However, on Thursday May 2, I have to go to school! Why? Because May 2nd was NOT a national holiday and so the school (Saitama University) was open!  Then on May 4th, I will go out with some friends. We will have a BBQ outside in the park. On May 6th I went to see my family. I have not seen them in a long time. It will be nice to talk to everyone.  Every day all week, I walked around looking at all the Koi Nobori flags. I actually had a great shutter chance because Mt. Fuji came into view and the picture I took was just wonderful. Then the rest of the days I plan to stay home, studied or played games. I was very happy to relax, refresh and h