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April 16, 2024 - The First Day of Class!

Today for the first class we will set up your page

The rules are very simple.  Please follow me and ask questions if you need to.

For every class, please DO NOT USE Google Translate! It does not work correctly and creates terrible English nobody can understand. If I think you are using Google Translate (or Weblio, Deep L, etc.) the work will not be accepted.

1-sign into Blogger is owned by google so a google must be used. a DB email account will NOT work. Your email will be private, so do not worry about having it shown publicly.

2-Choose an ADDRESS name for your blog page. please keep it simple with ONLY your FIRST name and LAST 3 digits of of your student number. So for example If your name is Emi and your student number is 24160123 it should be Since there are many students, this is the easiest way for everyone to remember page names.

When we register  our blog pages, there might be a problem. We are registering many pages from one IP Address. So blogger will stop registering because it thinks we are robots. So only the first few can register, the rest must wait 30-60 minutes afterwards. Sorry! It is very shoganai...

If you want to use your iphone or ipad 4G/5G to register, that might work. Maybe. You can try it.

Also if you are on iphone or ipad, you might need to clear cookies/cache. There is some problem with this that does not happen usually on PCs.

The address for my (KEN THE TEACHER'S) page is

 This is where will begin each class and where assignments will come from, so please have it open and ready at the start of each class.

3- Set your Display name! You must use your REAL NAME, no nicknames! We are not in a real classroom, so I do not know who is who, except the class roster. Please make sure you use your real name. 

Set up a profile with a photo. It does not have to be your face, it can be anything, a dog, a flower, the moon etc. It can not be an orange letter B.

4- Choose any style, color etc that you like. Please write one post to make sure your blog is working.

5-When you finish, please post a link to your website in the comments to this post. I will read it and reply.  If I can see your page, then everything is OK and you are done for today.

NOTICE! When you post a link, please make sure you are using the address of your blog. 
You should not be using the address because this is your page editor! Anyone who clicks a link will be sent to their own editor and not to your page!




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