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October 15, 2024 - Funny Apartment Names!

   Please watch this video about funny and unusual apartment names used in Japan. Do you live in a place with a strange name? Please write your thought about this video, as well as general strange use of fake English in Japan in 50 words or more.
Recent posts

October 8, 2024 - Getting Sick!!

     Getting sick!   Yes, it is that time of year! People start getting cold and flu! Please search online in English for sites and blogs that give helpful advice and tips for how to keep healthy in the fall and wintertime (no videos)     Than write in 50 words or more your opinion about the links you found. Please include website links. Please do not talk about corona, just general health. My example: Oh no! cold and flu season is almost here! But do not worry, I have some secrets that can help you. I am going to eat lots of vegetables, because they fight off illness. I will also get lots of  Vitamin D, from being out in the sunshine, and from pills, this helps keep you awake and your mind clear. I will also wash my hands a lot to kill germs and avoid spreading them. How did I learn all this? From a great site online! There are many more secrets I found there and you can read them  right  here!

October 1, 2024 - Inflation Panic!

 Prices keep going up! The economy is really going crazy. I don't want to say its "bad" but things are more expensive than before! The news was that on October 1st 3,000+ items increased in price!  Its not like this is the first time! Prices have increased constatly since 2021!  Prices do change all the time, but its so slow we do not usully notice it. This change is actually very shocking. The post office is raising rates for the first time since 1994! That is 30 years without a change! When I came to Japan 20 years ago, people told me one great thing about Japan is that there was no inflation. If you look at movies and TV shows from the 1980s, the prices of things  are    were the same as they were are today in 2013. I think the trouble started 10 years ago, when the sales tax increased from 5% to 8%. You might be too young to remember but the prices of many things were "one coin." Small things like snacks were 100 yen, larger things like bentos were 500 ye

September 24, 2024 - Fall is here!

 Sunday September 22nd  was  the first day of Fall! The Autumnal Equinox took place at 9:43 p.m.! Please research IN ENGLISH some scientific fact about fall. For example: the time of the sunset, or the position of Earth in space, the amount of sunlight etc. Then search for a fun fall time activity IN ENGLISH. For example: seeing color leaves, pumpkin carving, etc.   Post your information and write in 50 words or more, what you have found Thanks!! My Example: Today I learned about Autumnal Equinox. It is one of 2 days every year that the Earth is completely straight and balanced in space. On this day, as well as the first day of Spring, called the Vernal Equinox, Everywhere on Earth has the same amount of sunlight! I learned about it here  on this site! This fall I will go see Autumn leaves at Mt. Takao and eat sweet potatoes when I can. If you want to know more about where you can go, visit  this site here!

September 17, 2024 - Back to School!!

    Welcome back everybody! I hope you had a good holiday! For today's assignment, please talk about your summer holiday, what you did and what you wish you could have done. Did you have a nice time? As well, don't forget to mention your plans for the rest of the year now that school is in session. 75 words or more, please!

July 23, 2024 - End of Semester Long Form Assignment

  Because it is very hot, I will allow you to stay home and do the assignment for the rest of July. The post will appear online, on Monday (our class is Tuesday) please have it finished by 18:15 on Tuesday morning of each week.    You must return to class in person in September. New people might join the class too. If you want to invite a friend, that would be nice! この授業の後、とても暑いので、7 月の残りの期間は家にいて課題に取り組むことを許可します。投稿は月曜日にオンラインで公開されます (授業は火曜日です)。毎週火曜日の朝 18:15 までに終わらせてください。 9 月には直接授業に戻ってください。新しい人もクラスに参加するかもしれません。友達を招待したいなら、それはいいことです! Please watch this interesting video and write about it in 200 words or more. Have a wonderful summer.

July 16, 2024 - What is News to You?

 Because it is very hot, I will allow you to stay home and do the assignment for the rest of July. The post will appear online, on Monday (our class is Tuesday) please have it finished by 18:15 on Tuesday morning of each week.    You must return to class in person in September. New people might join the class too. If you want to invite a friend, that would be nice! この授業の後、とても暑いので、7 月の残りの期間は家にいて課題に取り組むことを許可します。投稿は月曜日にオンラインで公開されます (授業は火曜日です)。毎週火曜日の朝 18:15 までに終わらせてください。 9 月には直接授業に戻ってください。新しい人もクラスに参加するかもしれません。友達を招待したいなら、それはいいことです! For nearly four months we have been reading and commenting on various things. Most of these were decided by me, but now it is your turn! What is something newsworthy to you? Tell us about some event that has happened between April 1 and July 18, 2023. Please share a link of this news and give an explanation of what the news is all about in 100 words or more.